Wk 2 - More Worship

Discussion Questions

Read Jonah 2 together.

  1. Why did God discipline Jonah? 

  2. What did Jonah do inside the belly of the fish?

  3. Name the two things you learned about prayer from Jonah’s prayer. 

  4. True or False: God has a purpose and a plan for each one of His children.

Last week, we learned that God had a plan for Jonah’s life, and Jonah didn’t like it. He rebelled against what God wanted him to do. Sin interferes with God’s plans for our lives, but nothing can stop God’s plan. God can use awkward or uncomfortable situations (like the belly of a fish) to change how we see things and call us to repent and serve him. We call these “change of heart moments.” They allow us to see things the way God sees them. Worship is a great way to see and know God’s heart.


Create a worship playlist that the whole family can listen to this week and really listen to the words. Added challenge: Try to see others like God sees them and share your worship playlist with someone outside your family. Perhaps your “one” from last week.

Todd Ransom